duminică, 9 septembrie 2012

Most beautiful...

Acesta este un post ....pentru ca mi-e dor....siii....nu am rezistat tentatiei sa nu ma dau mare cu frumusetile noastre...si pentru ca am plecat intr-o scurta  vacanta :)

The greatest driving roads in the world should have a perfect mixture between challenging and complicated bends, long fast straights, little to no traffic and especially breathtaking views!
These roads might have enough twists and turns to give you a headache but you’ll feel incredible after you’ve conquered them and you’ll surely want to try it again and again and again. http://carsroute.com/top-15-most-beautiful-roads-in-the-world/
And...the most.... esteee....tadammmm......minunatul si incantatorul nostru Transfagarasan !!!

The Transfăgărășan (that’s the exact spelling) is the highest and most dramatic paved road from Romania. Built as a strategic military route by the former dictator Nicolae Ceausescu between 1970 and 1974, this road connects the historic regions of Transylvania and Wallachia, and the cities of Sibiu and Pitesti. The Transfagarasan represents 90 km of twists and turns run North to South across the tallest sections of the Carpathian Mountains between the highest peaks of the mountain in this country.
On top of the mountains this road provides access to Balea Lake, a glacier lake which has been here for thousands of years and it also has an almost 1 km long tunnel straight through the mountain’s top. The road was built at a high cost both financially and from a human standpoint with more than 6 million kilograms of explosive being used on the northern face and official records of 40 soldiers who lost their lives while building it. Unofficial records however mention that only the tunnel took about 400 lives.
The north end of the road is the most spectacular and it’s dotted with steep hairpin turns, long S curves and sharp descents combined with an absolutely stunning view! Between October and June this road is under the snow and usually closed so… that means only a couple of months in the summer it’s available to enjoy a pure driving pleasure. Top Gear also named this road as the best road in the world !

           Ne vedem peste 8 zile :)

25 de comentarii:

  1. wow so beautiful places and pics!
    GIVEAWAY on my blog!
    check it out!

  2. Vacanta placuta iti doresc! Da, este foarte fain Transfagarasanul nostru....

  3. very beautiful indeed!



  4. In nici o tara nu gasesti asa ceva :) Romania e Romania :)) zi faina

  5. breathtaking! thanks for sharing!

    do you want to follow each other on bloglovin' and gfc? let me know.
    see you around! xx


  6. O vacanta frumoasa cu mult soare iti doresc!

  7. Very intersting post!
    Nice pics!


  8. Ma bucur ca am gasit o asemenea postare :) foarte frumos pe Transfagarasan! Vacanta frumoasa sa ai!

    te pup, Lorena


  9. Hi! Your blog looks very professional and nice! I really like it! If you do not mind, we can follow each other!
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  10. Wow this sounds interesting, would definitely make any road trip more exciting!

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  11. Wow! This is amazing!!
    I'd like to be there :)

    Love from http://fashionfeelingsblog.blogspot.com.es/

  12. Orice drum pe Transfagarasean pare o adevarata aventura!Iti multumesc pentru comentariul tau!

  13. Superb views, covering such routes it is a marvellous adventure. I am greeting

  14. Deve essere un panorama bellissimo!! buona giornata e felice fine settimana...ciao

  15. fantastic places and pic thank you for sharing :) Im so speechless. Would you like to follow each other?Just let me know
    I wait you on my blog!

  16. Transfagarasan si drumul care il traverseaza sunt superbe! Am fost acolo in vara lui 2004, si am traversat acel drum de la un capat la altul, a fost o vacanta minunata!

  17. Fericito!!! ai fost pe Transfagarasan acum 2 ani si nu zici tu nimic :)
    Sunt sigura ca ai ramas cu amintiri minunate.

    Distractie placuta in vacanta ta. de-abia astept sa aflu pe unde ai mai fugit de data asta.
    Te tzuc frumoasa mea Coco

  18. Si Transfagarasanul l-am vizitat anul trecut , ne-a incantat la fel de mult , insa de cate ori imi amintesc de el , simt mirosul afumaturilor, al cascavalului si a painii de casa , plus multe alte bunatati gasite la tarabe !! ;)
    PS.Mor de drag cand vad pe bloguri peisaje din tarisoara noastra frumoasa !!

  19. Superbe imagini!
    Am fost si eu vara aceasta si trebuie sa recunosc faptul ca
    peisajele de pe Transfagarasan mi-au taiat respiratia, sunt
    de o frumusete rara.

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